To Mask or Not to Mask

One of the global issues riddled with disagreement is the facial masking requirement during the Covid-19 pandemic. While the virus has affected lives worldwide, the problem with the mask sheds light on the glocal (global and local) aspect of leadership and organizations. In the US, there are three schools of thought about the facial mask policy. These include: people who strictly adhere to the mask policy and even wear it while in the car by themselves or even if there is no one around; people who only wear it where it’s a requirement, such as stores and public places where keeping social distance may not be possible; and people who outright claim their right to free expression by disagreeing with the mask policy and view the mask enforcement as an infringement on their freedom to choose and express themselves.

Let alone the mass population; there have been controversial practices amongst government officials on the question- To Mask or Not to Mask? For example, the governor of Florida DeSantis banned “localities in the state from enforcing mask mandates through fines and penalties despite the measure being seen as one of the simplest and most effective government measures to slow the spread of coronavirus… and strain on state’s health care system” (Reimann, 2020). The mass population has a right to raise their concerns about there their constitutional rights. However, when there is a disagreement between the leaders about the right course of action, the organization is perceived as indecisive.

The American government is one of the largest distributors of foreign aid. Not being able to maintain strong support for mask requirement shows concern about how the US will represent itself globally. It is like saying one can’t control their children at home but have the responsibility to create law and order in a classroom of dozens of children. In other words, United States mask choices have made separations in communities where one side is concerned about safety, and the other side is focused on their rights to do as they choose.

There has been a tremendous about of funding and research dedicated by healthcare, the Center for Disease Control, and governmental agencies to decimate information to the general public on the safety of wearing masks. However, anti-mask advocates do not give credit to the research because their main concern seems to be their autonomy in the matter.

The anti-mask problem has existed since the early stages of the Covid-19pandemic around February 2020.

·  Has progress been made in understanding and solving it? Why or why not?

Instead of progress, laws and policies have been enacted to establish that mask is a requirement. Therefore the mass population follows the orders established only if they need something from a place such as a grocery store that requires a mask to enter the store. Progress has not happened because instead of thinking about Americans against the virus, Americans’ anti-masker mentality has been Americans versus the constitution. Therefore, just like the pro-choice and pro-life movement has evolved but remains a concern for the general population. Similarly, the question of to-mask or not-to-mask is transitioning but has not been settled.
