We Are Visitors of Mere Seconds on this Planet

Today early morning , the download I received was profound. I saw myself as a light body with energetic light imprint in a large room ,  but it was like a snapshot taken so fast that all the places my energy has travelled was showing as swirling spark frozen  in a moment of time , kind of like a Superman zips from one place to another but in the snapshot only light was showing up instead of the body . Well , it was like a billion of me traveling from one point to another all jumbled up , and there was only one  revolving door . I was playing round and round with that door like it was a game of sort.Well it was a game , I was playing different games and from the time I entered the revolving door I was having multitude  of experiences and then I would be back in the room and go through the entrance and make my way back through the revolving door. When I was going through the revolving door it felt like a matter of seconds , however as soon as I was out of the room in the midst of doing the round walking the circle to go back in to the room….I was living a lifetime. The game was of milliseconds but the experiences were of times if measured in earth times they were years - a lifetime would pass and I would be back in the revolving door going back in and out to experience another planet, earth, another earth, or otherwise  …and experience the space and time slow down to match that experience. But really all in all , it was a millisecond of experience from the light body perspective.This information is profound. How may you utilize this information to live your best life?