Messages from the Source 1.2

Keep going in the direction of your calling. The little voice inside you is guiding you to something larger than life than you can ever imagine. The inner need for freedom that you constantly feel, and you desire is not accidental. It is the universal consciousness showing you glimpses of what is possible if you let go of the pressures you have put on yourself to measure up in the eyes of others.

We constantly send you glimpses of what is possible. If only you start following those, we will send you more and more, until one day, you will look back, and you will have reinvented a life you truly desired to experience.

You have been conditioned to live the life of slavery to institutions, and organizations, to obey, and follow, but that's not the intention which you came with when you became incarnate. You came to experience human form with which you get to experience the bountiful earth with all your senses, which you cannot do in a light body without form.

You have forgotten, and you have gone into a deep state of sleep. You have forgotten who you truly are, what your purpose is, what you came to experience, and how to be truly happy.

You started following, and that is not your fault. Your true essence is always within you. Sometimes, you will feel a sense of freedom as you tune into a part of you that is exhausted from your life as you know it. You may shove that image or desire aside because it may not match with your present reality, but those feelings, insight, and visions are from your higher self, who wants you to live what you came to live.

Next time you get those inner feelings of peace and thought or imagery, don't shove them aside, don't bury them. Instead, seek to know what it means. Become curious, meditate, and ask yourself what does this mean. Ask for guidance from your higher self and light beings from the non-physical realm, your guardian angels, Dragons, Unicorns and Fairies, to assist you in experiencing what the images in your vision show you.

And we are always here! sincerely ask for us to intervene, and your wish is our command

~ Light Beings